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Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2024 

In partnership with Amen Trust

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A message from Malcolm & Anne McCulloch,

our local Stratford shoebox collection co-ordinators... 


This is the 11th year we have been involved with collecting shoeboxes to send to Romania with AMEN Trust. It's been great to see the support received in the Stratford area grow. We hope you will be able to support us this year!


Shoebox contents are our everyday items, but to these Romanian families living in very basic conditions they show someone cares enough to give them the only gift they will receive this Christmas.


We also have a friend from Stratford, Dinah Madge, working with one of our charity partners and want to give Dinah shoeboxes to hand out in the village she works in.


These are family shoeboxes so please include items for parents and children in each shoebox. Please only use a standard sized shoebox or equivalent sized box (we don't want large boot boxes as this makes distribution very unfair). 


In addition to shoeboxes we are also collecting blankets this year. Boxes will be available in Church to put donations of items on the contents list in for both adults and children. 


If you are struggling to obtain standard sized shoeboxes, please get in touch as we can help out through contacts in local shoe shops.


Returning shoeboxes...


When you pass back your wrapped shoebox, please only tape the contents list page to the top of the box. Your transportation donation and gift aid form (if eligible + just complete one form if you are filling multiple shoeboxes) can be passed separately to us. It is better if you don't tape coins to the leaflet as this makes it easier as we don't then have to remove them.


When do we need to receive shoeboxes by?


Please pass to us by SUNDAY 3rd NOVEMBER. We will put them in large boxes for collection the following weekend.


Many thanks and please get in contact with any queries. We have pre-printed leaflets and 

shoeboxes we will happily pass on to you.


Malcolm & Anne    

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