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 Sunday Services 

What to expect 

When you arrive at the church, you will be greeted by members of our Welcome Team. Feel free to ask them any questions you may have and to tell them a little about yourself if you are happy to. 


There is no dress code and you are free to sit wherever you like.

Our Sunday service starts at  10:30am 

If you are thinking of joining us, we would love to see you!  

The service usually lasts 60-90 minutes and will include singing (a mixture of both modern and older, familiar songs); prayers (either open times of prayers for anyone to pray out loud, or led prayers from the Minister or leaders); a sermon/talk based on a Bible passage, which will hopefully help us apply what we learn to our everyday lives (we try not to go on too long – about 20-25 minutes!); sometimes a mission slot, to help us pray for and think of those working in other parts of the world; and sometimes a short children’s talk. 

We always want to be responsive to the Holy Spirit in our services, so sometimes we might feel it is necessary to just stop and listen, or to respond to what we think God might be prompting us towards. 



After the service, we like to enjoy a time of chatting and catching up over tea/coffee and biscuits. We are a church that likes cake, and will try to find any excuse to have cake after the service!

We would love you to join us after the service so that we can get to know you a little better.

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Children & Young People

If you have children with you, they typically leave the service after about 30 minutes to learn more about God in their Sunday group/s, before coming back in at the end of the service. (If your child/children would rather not go out, that is absolutely fine! It’s important to us that both children and adults feel comfortable in their time with us.) 

We take seriously the safety and nurture of our children and young people.

If you would like to see a copy of our safeguarding policy, please click below.


The first Sunday of each month is usually a communion service. We use non-alcoholic wine. There is also a gluten free alternative, instead of the bread, for those who need it. Typically, we remain seated during communion, and the bread and wine are passed round. We believe that communion is for those who have a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, and who have experienced his life- changing grace. If you would rather not take communion, please just let the bread and wine pass you by, and please do not be embarrassed. Communion does, however, offer us the chance to put right anything in our relationship with God, and we believe we all need to know God’s love, grace, and forgiveness afresh in our lives continually.

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Photo by David Weber on Unsplash

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